銷售價格HK$24,800.00 正常價格HK$29,999.00

SAMSUNG 三星55" Odyssey Ark 2nd Gen Mini-LED 曲面电竞显示器(55吋/ 4K UHD [3840 x 2160] / 165Hz / Mini-LED / VA / 1ms / HDR / Smart TV / FreeSync Premium Pro / 1000R)

Samsung貨號: LS55CG970NCXXK

銷售價格HK$24,800.00 正常價格HK$29,999.00



55" Odyssey Ark Mini-LED 曲面电竞显示器(165Hz)


  • 55吋特大1000R曲面震撼感官萤幕
  • 量子Mini LED矩阵技术精确控制光源与对比度
  • Ark Dial 无线旋钮盘轻松调整屏幕大小和比例,可同时观赏来自多组讯号源

An astronaut in a spacesuit is standing in the middle with purple and pink light radiating around him on the monitor screen. Beneath the monitor is a keyboard, trackpad, Ark Dial and gaming chair.

1000R 曲面设计

A monitor screen is split into two sections. Above the left side says 'Edge LED' and above the right side says 'Quantum Mini-LED'. Quantum Mini-LED part expands which make the screen clearer as the monitor rotates around to the lef


A rocket ship is flying toward a planet. Four marks appears with the words ""4 x speakers"" to show the position of speakers and after that, ""2 x woofers""  as the position of woofers highlighted. A translucent dome appears over the monitor with multiple circles appearing on each corner of the monitor

Sound Dome 技术

Two rocket ships are flying away firing missiles at the same planet. The screen is split diagonally with the left side showing 120Hz refresh rate and 5ms response time compared to the right side which shows 165Hz refresh rate and 1ms response time, demonstrating the difference between a conventional monitor and Odyssey Ark.

165Hz 刷新率



A monitor screen is shown with a multi-colored light beam trailing behind. A rocket ship with flames emitting from the rear is flying through space. Sound is being emitted from each corner of the screen.


55 吋1000R 曲面屏幕,让你看得更全面。量子Mini-LED 将视觉体验提升至全新境界,呈现卓越画质,透过Sound Dome 技术强化的环绕音效,带来身临其境的环绕声视听体验。

A large spaceship is centered in the monitor screen with shards of light surrounding it. Beneath the screen are four logos which demonstrate UHD, 165Hz refresh rate, 1ms response time and AMD FreeSync Premium Pro features.


一个小失误,可能是致胜与致命的关键。具备165hz 画面刷新率、1ms 反应时间和FreeSync Premium Pro,为胜利作好准备。

A screen which has been rotated vertically is divided into three sections from top to bottom. The top section is multiple video thumbnails, the second section is an internet browser and the bottom section is a section with an astronaut in a spacesuit floating in space.


将屏幕旋转到直向座舱模式,以找出完美的视野位置。只需轻按Ark Dial 无线旋钮盘,便可调整屏幕大小和比例,更可同时观赏来自多组讯号来源的内容。



让你沉浸在栩栩如生的影像中。 55 吋屏幕带来身历其境的视觉震撼,缔造出让你肾上腺素飙升的感官体验, 将沉浸式游戏体验提升到全新境界;1000R 曲面设计则大大扩展你的视野,让你仿佛置身于游戏世界。

* 最佳观看距离为80 厘米以上

An astronaut in a spacesuit is standing in the middle with purple and pink light radiating around him on the monitor screen. Beneath the monitor is a keyboard, trackpad, Ark Dial and gaming chair.


座舱模式& 光效同步设计


A monitor is on a desk with 4 sections on its screen. The monitor pivots from horizontal to vertical, before rotating to the right to show its Eclipse lighting on its side. The vertical screen is split into three sections - video, streaming and game.

* 如欲显示9:16 比例,需于初始设定选择直向模式。 **直式座舱模式需手动旋转萤幕。



采用量子Mini LED 的革命性量子矩阵技术,可精确控制光源与使对比得以强化,让画面细节完美呈现。配以由HDR 精准控制先进的14-bit背光单位,创造出无可比拟的画质。

A monitor screen is split into two sections. Above the left side says 'Edge LED' and above the right side says 'Quantum Mini-LED'. Quantum Mini-LED part expands which make the screen clearer as the monitor rotates around to the lef

AI 演算,缔造4K 影院体验


透过结合20个多层神经网络,AI 高效处理器可分析影像资料,并逐一还原影像细节。自动而精确地调节亮度与强化对比度,使观看画质非凡进化。

A race car is driving down the road against a blurred city backdrop before a microchip ""Neural Quantum Processor Ultra"" appears overlaid on top of the car. Key areas of the car and backdrop are identified and enhanced before the full scene appears in crisp clarity.


HDR 10+ gaming

从深沉阴影到烈日当空的场景,1,000,000:1 的对比度可增强色彩表现力和深度,呈现每个明暗细节。加上HDR 10+ 所带来的对战优势,会自动地调整游戏场景,让你掌握每个致胜的细节。

Two villages against a mountainous backdrop are on the left and right side of the monitor. The right side shows what the Odyssey Ark delivers, which shows clearer and more vivid colors than conventional, the left side. Two bars of black-and-white and color in the bottom get longer and more refined as it's changed from conventional to Ark. In the top left corner of the monitor is the word 'Lost Ark'.




The gamer's face is seen reflected to the screen. A dotted line scans across the screen from left to right. ""Matte Display"" on the left is not seen with reflected the gamer's look, while ""Glossy Display"" on the right still shows as his reflected. The UL verification logo on the right corner.


Sound Dome 技术

搭载了四组角落扬声器和两组中央低音扬声器,从而创造出一个60W 2.2.2 声道,产生出任何游戏屏幕或游戏扬声器中最低的45Hz 音频。 AI Sound Booster 和Dolby Atmos 杜比全景声将音效提升至新境界,让你被立体声效所包围,仿佛置身在游戏世界中。

A rocket ship is flying toward a planet. Four marks appears with the words ""4 x speakers"" to show the position of speakers and after that, ""2 x woofers""  as the position of woofers highlighted. A translucent dome appears over the monitor with multiple circles appearing on each corner of the monitor



4k 游戏画面刷新率,无人能及

165Hz 刷新率& 1ms 反应时间

电光火石间,也能征服每个敌人。 165Hz 刷新率带来超流畅的动作,消除了影像延迟;你可以1ms 反应时间、精准的滑鼠游标移动、和无模糊画面,以及最微量的动态残影,精准地识别敌人。

Two rocket ships are flying away firing missiles at the same planet. The screen is split diagonally with the left side showing 120Hz refresh rate and 5ms response time compared to the right side which shows 165Hz refresh rate and 1ms response time, demonstrating the difference between a conventional monitor and Odyssey Ark.


AMD FreeSync Premium Pro

快速动作无缝流畅。 AMD FreeSync Premium Pro 支援可变更新率(VRR),使GPU 与面板保持同步,减少画面间断、延迟及图像撕裂,使快速动作及复杂游戏场景更为稳定流畅,让你对战时的优势大幅提升。

Two monitors side by side show a spaceship flying through space from left to right between the two screens. The left side shows 'FreeSync Off' while the right side shows 'AMD FreeSync Premium Pro On'.


Smart TV 体验


An Odyssey monitor is shown featuring the media home display on the screen, with the Ark Dial placed in front of the monitor.

*应用程式可用性可能因国家/地区而有所不同,并可能需要另行订阅。 *需连接网路。不包括电视选道器(TV tuner)。 * Samsung TV Plus 和Universal Guide 可能在某些地区不可用。


Ark Dial 无线旋钮盘

专为Odyssey Ark 而设的太阳能旋钮盘。 Ark Dial 无线旋钮盘让玩家能灵活操控萤幕,轻松快速地使用各项功能,包括画面最适化(Flex Move Screen)、多重视窗、Game Bar。视界战局,由你扭转掌握。

The monitor screen displays the Ark Dial toolbar, with the Ark Dial placed in front of the monitor turning focus of toolbar from home to Flex Move Screen, and to Multi view. Four logos - Flex Move Screen, Multi View, Game Bar, Quick Settings - are placed on the upper side of the screen.



找出完美的获胜位置。画面最适化功能让玩家能透过Ark Dial 无线旋钮盘将画面尺寸从55 吋调整为27 吋, 亦能移动画面显示及调整比例大小(16:9 > 21:9 > 32:9),体验在任何游戏中都能缩放自如。

The sun is rising behind a planet on the left side of the screen, surrounded by a screen border which shows a spaceship windscreen. The monitor screen zooms out showing the change from 55 inches to 27 inches. The screen then moves up and down to demonstrate Flex Move Screen functionality.



找出完美的获胜位置。画面最适化功能让玩家能透过Ark Dial 无线旋钮盘将画面尺寸从55 吋调整为27 吋, 亦能移动画面显示及调整比例大小(16:9 > 21:9 > 32:9),体验在任何游戏中都能缩放自如。

The monitor screen zooms out to show 21:9 ratio, before zooming out further to show 32:9 ratio. 32:9 reveals a wider view from the spaceship windscreen to show more of the space landscape on the left and right.


  • * 屏幕上的内容为模拟效果图像,仅供示范之用。 **透过游戏设定列(Game Bar) 或Quick Settings (快速设定) 调整画面比例。


一「屏」无遗Multi View 跨装置观看功

毋须设置多个屏幕。多重视窗功能让你在55吋的屏幕上,同一时间播放多个画面。 因此玩家只需要一部屏幕,就能一边玩、一边收看串流节目,及一边浏览网页。

Four monitors are placed on a desk, with large speakers and multiple devices placed in front, which shows the setting of ""Without Ark"". These are replaced by one single Odyssey Ark, shown both vertically and horizontally positioned, with 4 sections for horizontal and 3 sections for vertical mode.

* 在直向座舱模式下,多重视窗最多可分割为三个画面。 **多重视窗不支援Game Mode、VRR (可变更新频率) 及云端游戏。 ***使用多重视窗功能时,仅支援一组外部讯号输入(包括HDMI) 及一组装置之屏幕镜射。 ****在多重视窗下,外部讯号输入可支援高达120Hz 刷新频率。 ***** 部分串流服务支援可能因服务供应商、语言或地区而有所不同。

Game Bar 快速设定,赢得胜利


现在,你能轻松检视FPS (每秒帧数)、HDR (高动态范围成像) 及VRR (可变更新频率) 的状态。无需离开游戏,也可调整反应时间、画面比例、以及游戏画面模式至最佳设定。

* 只在游戏或电脑支援超宽广解像度时,才可于游戏设定列中调整屏幕比例。

At the bottom of the screen is a toolbar showing eight icons, demonstrating the Game Bar feature. The game title logo "" Lost Ark"" is placed in the upper side of the screen, with 4 different logos in the background, each for Game Picture, Screen Ratio, Minimap Zoom, Active Ambient.





165 Hz



Quantum HDR


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